Join Scen & Film, The Swedish Union for Performing Arts and Film!
Contact information: Branches by profession
Your rights
The main function of Scen & Film is to negotiate collective agreements, which among other things, include guaranteed minimum wages, terms of employment, insurances, pensions and copyright remuneration. The Swedish labour-market is based on unions and employers’ organizations being equal parts. To stay equally strong with the employers Scen & Film needs you as a member. Scen & Film also represents members who are so called self-employed with F-tax card.
What’s in it for you?
For instance:
Advice and help. Our lawyers/organizers are always close to telephone or email.
Negotiating disputes. We help you negotiate disputes with your employer.
Compensation. Compensation when on strike or lock-outed.
EuroFia Dance Passport. Separate information below and to the right.
Akti Scen & Film. A platform for all professional workers in performing arts and film. Free of charge for you as a member
Insurances. Save hundreds of SEK at Folksam and Förenade Liv.
The EuroFIA Dance Passport
The EuroFIA Dance Passport is a reciprocal solidarity service that performers’ unions in Europe have agreed to grant to their respective members, assisting them as they temporarily work or seek employment opportunities in another EU member State, in Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. It allows the Passport holder to benefit temporarily from various services offered, at no cost, by the union in the country of destination. For more information: EuroFIA Dance Passport.
This is Scen & Film
We are representing professional performers and other creative workers from across the spectrum of the entertainment, creative and cultural industries. Scen & Film organizes professional authors such as directors, choreographers and set designers. The majority of our members are performers such as dancers, actors, opera singers, circus and variety artistes and stunt performers. We also have branches for technical staff at theatres and in the film industry, as well as for administrativ personnel at theatres.
You must be able to focus on your creative work. The practical things should be in order by distinct agreements and conditions. This is our common task in Scen & Film. Authors and performers in Scen & Film will be affiliated to our collecting society: Upphovsrätt Scen & Film (Copyright for Performing Arts and Film). Upphovsrätt Scen & Film protects your copyright and distributes more than 50 million SEK a year to copyright holders.
Members are organized in branches by their professions
For instance:
Circus and variety artists
Dancers and Choreographers
Film directors
Film workers
Musical artists
Set designers
Theatre directors
For more detailed information on branches and contact information to the branches download “Branches by profession” to the right.
Want to join? If you have a creative profession organized by Scen & Film you can join. You need to have an adequate education or have made a living as a professional for at least a year.
What does it cost? Depending on your yearly income the monthly fee for a membership in Scen & Film is between 220 and 320 SEK.
How to join?
You can apply online, on the website (in Swedish only) or download an application form here.
If you need assistans, contact us by e-mail: or phone: +46 (0)8 441 13 00.
An Opportunitiy to Create Change (ENG)
Report from the Commissino on Sexual Harassment in the Performing Arts 2018. The Commission was appointed by The Swedish Union for Performing Arts and Film, Scen & Film, and The Swedish Performing Arts Association, Svensk Scenkonst, in the spring of 2018, after a movement against sexual harassment in several working sectors. The aim of the Commission was to map and analyze the situation in the performing arts domain and submit proposals for intervention.